The Annex
36 has promised to the IEA ECBCS as deliveries the reports of
Subtask A (State of the Art Overview and Retrofitting Measure
Report), Subtask B (Case Study Reports), Subtask C (Energy Audit
Report and Simulation Tool Report). These reports will be listed
with the address to order them at publications. Additionally Subtask
B produces besides the international website several articles
and newsletter. (See publications, too).
Yet the development of a software tool, the Energy
Concept Adviser ,
is regarded as the main result of Annex 36. It shall be used by
decision makers in administrations. With the help of the internet
based, intuively usable computer program energy-efficient retrofit
shall be promoted, occuring retrofit-related problems in schools
and other educational buildings solved and a better reliabilty
on design and costs in the early planning state shall be possible.
The Energy Concept Adviser can be started by clicking on the
lower button. It will open in another window!

Energy Concept Adviser exists of the following interrelated parts: